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August 18, 2024
Oh Scrap! : Not My Scraps from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I had a ball playing with scraps this week.  Only they weren't my scraps.

Marci sent me a whole bunch of string and slab blocks made from her scraps.

Here are some of the slab blocks she sent.  They measure 6.5" x 8.5".  
She definitely used some tiny pieces.

As soon as I opened up the package, I was instantly inspired to add some strips on each side of the block.  I initially thought a warm brown or even a black.  But when I looked in the stash, I came across this lovely avocado green.

I had ...

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March 28, 2022
Weekly update: spring, a fabric excursion, progress, and the unexpected + books from With Strings Attached


Chilly but sunny, no breeze this afternoon for a walk in the ravine at the end of our block. The skunk cabbages are in bloom -- this one has leaves beginning to unfurl.

Here are my new socks from Zkano, made in Alabama. Not only do they have great designs, but the socks are very comfortable (nonbinding tops that stay up).

On Thursday I enjoyed the luncheon meeting of the Clara Cummings Book Club. The entertainment was a reenactor portraying Princess Diana. She cleverly began, "You know I am dead, of course," so we the audience knew that she knew what ...

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December 25, 2021
Friday check in: Solstice week and Christmas Eve edition from With Strings Attached


I was at the marina on Tuesday to see the sun rise on the solstice -- 7:14 a.m.   (I went out at 4 p.m. to try to get the sunset but it was overcast.)

Yesterday we enjoyed pre-Christmas luncheon with my sister and her husband at their house.  No photos, just good conversation.  We had delicious crockpot venison from the deer my sister shot and field-dressed herself!

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The slab quilt is finished!  

A scrappy top deserves a scrappy back. I remember getting the tropical floral on the right when we were in Bermuda in 2008.  (Up close these ...

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December 20, 2021
Weekly update: on the trail, a concert, a flimsy!, and reading from With Strings Attached

 The ornaments I hung along the trail last week pretty much survived the severe winds (gusts of 65 mph on Wednesday).   Two had blown off their hangers onto the ground and I rehung them. Some lost the red paint (lower right).  And two were joined by someone else's contributions. 

We enjoyed the Lake County Symphony Orchestra Christmas concert on Saturday evening.   They played woodwind, strings, and brass medleys  of Christmas songs arranged by Leroy Anderson and the entire orchestra played Anderson's well-known Sleigh Ride.

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In the studio:   I finished step 3 of the Rhododendron Trail mystery.  I ran ...

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December 15, 2021
Weekly update: the social whirl, bargains, a finish and a start from With Strings Attached

 There were more festive gatherings this week.  On Monday evening my P.E.O. chapter met for dinner at a restaurant. We exchanged holiday socks (a chapter tradition). Everyone brought gift cards that I will deliver to a local agency.  

On Tuesday the Zion Woman's Club had a holiday luncheon.  I didn't get a photo of my vintage Christmas tablecloths in use.  We had box lunches which made serving very easy.  A white elephant exchange meant each of us got something to take home.  We also collected food for the two local food pantries. That all went into ...

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October 5, 2021
Weekly update: class reunion, quilt show, a finish, and reading from With Strings Attached

 The Glenbrook North High School Class of 1970 had not-quite a reunion on Saturday evening.  Early in 2020 we began planning.    Committee members (of which I'm one) tracked down classmates to get phone numbers and email addresses.  We created a Facebook group and used an online class reunion site to try to reach everyone we could.   In July, 2020, we realized that the pandemic wasn't going to be over by October so we cancelled the event. We began 2021 with the hope we could pull off a "Fifty Plus One" reunion for October, 2021.   Evites went out and ...

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September 22, 2021
Midweek: quilt mailed off and a new scrappy project from With Strings Attached


Welcome autumn!  A cold front came through on Tuesday and the temperature dropped 10+ degrees. Our afternoon outing to Lyons Woods was very comfortable both for me to walk and for Stevens as he sat in the car.  (He's unable to walk long distances -- especially at the pace I've developed over this past year of near-daily walks!)

Oriental bittersweet or spindleberry.  The vine grew across a 2" gap (right photo) to wind around the tree trunk (left photo).  I've only seen bittersweet at Lyons Woods.

Left: the rose hips from Japanese or Seven Sisters roses look more ...

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April 30, 2021
Friday check in: success on the third try, snaps, and the stash report from With Strings Attached

I made twenty batik crumb blocks. I planned to sash them shadowbox style and auditioned some fabrics.   In addition to this purple/turquoise combo I tried a white batik but that contrast was too stark.  [Of course I am using only what I have on hand.]

Then I found a lovely soft brown/tan Indian batik (part of this gift).  I was so sure it would be ideal that I cut all the sashing. 

I wanted low-volume but it was TOO low-volume and the colorful mix of the crumbs got lost.  

I tried a third time, and here's how ...

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March 18, 2021
Amy's Habs Slabs from Night Owl Quilting

Go Habs Go!  Amy sent this fun slab block quilt that she made for some Montreal Canadiens fans in her life.  Isn't it amazing what a pile of "scraps" can become?  

 This quilt weighs in at a whopping 74" x 110" and I think Amy may have invented a new quilt size - the family couch cuddler!  I can see the whole family cuddled up on the couch to cheer on their favorite team with enough quilt for everyone!


I suggested my freehand all over topographic quilting to add a nice even texture.   Doing a freehand design, allowed me to ...

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March 2, 2020
Weekly update: February stash report, March plans, and something new from With Strings Attached

Rabbit, rabbit! Here's the March Hare to bring in the new month.

(The February 28 Google doodle commemorated Sir John Tenniel's 200th birthday)

The GFWC-IL Tenth District art show/luncheon was Wednesday.   I entered Crown of Thorns in
Category 5 (Embroidery, Quilting, Tatting) (a strange combination, considering that "wall hangings" is a separate category) and won second place.  P.E.O. friends Jeannine and Nancy, both members of the Antioch Woman's Club, won ribbons, as did Regina and Judy who are fellow members of the Zion Woman's Club (the one I belong to).

Stash report for ...

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November 27, 2019
Midweek: it's a flimsy from With Strings Attached

The setting for the log cabin blocks (see the previous posts) continues to elude me. I have an idea but I need to let it simmer for a while longer.

Meanwhile I wanted to have some accomplishment so I assembled the black/white slab blocks.    They look more jumbly in the photo than in person . . . but now it has a name:  Jumble.

Five yards (by weight) in the "fabric used" column.   It's 54" x 69".

And, no, the shoebox of black/white strips and squares is not empty.

Linking up with Midweek Makers

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